This is the official Wiki for the Barely Default Data Pack by CYKLOPPS. Some content is still missing on this wiki but will be added at a later date.
This data pack was made specifically for the Barely Default resource pack by none other than the infamous Mickey Joe. This data pack adds so much new content to vanilla playstyle of the game. Its single player and multiplayer friendly, as I spent a lot of time optimizing everything so you could play with your friends!
This data pack, as mentioned before, adds a variety of new features to enhance your Minecraft gameplay experience.
Biomes and Structures
In release v1, there are 8 new biomes to venture out and explore, some of which contain new structures, new mobs and new atmospheres.
Entities now wear and wield custom CIT armor and weapons from the Barely Default resource pack
New variants exist in the world to qualify as a "new" type of mob
Chance to encounter mini bosses throughout the world, some of which are biome dependent
Bosses can be summoned and fought against in search of custom loot and items
Release v1.1 contains 30 brand new enchantments; the origins are either inspired by Minecraft Dungeons or are uniquely original.
New food items can be crafted or obtained by collecting ingredients or by killing mobs. Some vanilla mob's loot tables may have changed too.
Other miscellaneous items can now be crafted or smelted to make other items
Banner Patterns
60 new total banner pattern designs have been added and can be obtained from the different vanilla banner pattern items in release v1.
Release v1 contains 52 brand new vanilla style paintings.
Miscellaneous Features
The data pack contains a lot of cool and functional things not mentioned here that you'll have to discover on your own!
Last updated